Showing posts with label ASP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASP. Show all posts

Mar 12, 2008

ASP Clasic System Locale Setting With Session.LCID

LCID stands for Locale Identifier

Example of usage:
If you using ASP Classic Functions such as MonthName(xxx), Date(xxx) and etc, your web application will converting the month's name base on your server regional / locale settings.

Let say your server locale is Chinese (PRC ) settings, you may get a chinese charater of month being shown at the website.

Suggested solution for this would be:
reset the locale identifier at the page initialize stage

Example as below:
Session.lcid = 1033 ' English US
Session.lcid = 3081 ' English Australia

LCID might affected other formats such as the format of date time and currency value.

For 1033, date format would be mm/dd/yyyy and 3081 would be dd/mm/yyyy

List of LCID