Showing posts with label Web Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Service. Show all posts

Dec 10, 2007

Call Webservice Method Using MS SoapClient

Well, force to use asp to communicate with .NET webservices.
So, I choose the simplest way where I am using Microsoft Soap Client generic object to use my webservice method.

Here is my code:

dim soapclient
'// create SoapClient object
SET soapclient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")

'// set Server HTTP Request to true
SoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True

'// SOAP init with my webservice URL
Call Soapclient.mssoapinit("http://localhost/Elinkz_TestProject_TestService.asmx?wsdl")

'// GetTestData(xxx) is my webservices with param
response.write soapclient.GetTestData("myParamToMyWebservice")


GoogleSearch(Query, Start, MaxResults, Filter, Restrict, SafeSurf, Lr)
Dim Key
Key = "your key goes here"

Dim SoapClient
set SoapClient = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")

Dim NodeList
SoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
SoapClient.mssoapinit ""
Set NodeList = SoapClient.doGoogleSearch(key, _
Query, Start, MaxResults, Filter,
Restrict, SafeSurf, Lr, "", "")

Set NodeList = Nothing
Set SoapClient = Nothing
End Function


Function PerformGoogleSpellingSuggestion(Words)
Dim Key
Key = "your key goes here"

Dim SoapClient
set SoapClient = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")

Dim RetVal
SoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
SoapClient.mssoapinit ""
RetVal = SoapClient.doSpellingSuggestion(Key, Words)

If RetVal > "" Then
Response.write RetVal
Response.Write "No Suggestions"
End If

Set SoapClient = Nothing
End Function


Function PerformGoogleGetCachedPage(Url)
Dim Key
Key = "your key goes here"

Dim SoapClient
Set SoapClient = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")

Dim RetVal
Dim DecodedPage
Dim i
dim NewArray

SoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
SoapClient.mssoapinit ""
RetVal = SoapClient.doGetCachedPage(Key, Url)
NewArray = RetVal

for i = 1 to ubound(NewArray)
DecodedPage = DecodedPage & chr(ascB(MidB(NewArray, i, 1)))

Response.Write DecodedPage
Set SoapClient = Nothing
End Function


You can use Google WS for free :) but only 1000 limit transaction per day!