Oct 29, 2007

Using VBC Command Line Compiler

Do you ever compile with command line ?

Just recall back Java Learning during university lab.

Let's try:
  1. From the Start menu, click on the Accessories folder, and then open the Windows Command Prompt.

  2. At the command line, type vbc.exe /imports:Microsoft.VisualBasic,System sourceFileName and then press ENTER.

    For example, if you stored your source code in a directory called SourceFiles, you would open the Command Prompt and type cd SourceFiles to change to that directory. If the directory contained a source file named Source.vb, you could compile it by typing vbc.exe /imports:Microsoft.VisualBasic,System Source.vb.

  3. To compile with reference file:
    vbc /reference:metad1.dll,metad2.dll /out:out.exe input.

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